I was deeply struggling after a past experience with a psychedelic. It had left me open and confused about how to navigate through the post experience. I found Greg online and read what his healing services offered. I decided to follow up and I’m really glad that I have! Greg’s gentle but confident guidance helped me through a very difficult period of integration. Time and time again, Greg was able to help ground my experience in a way that made me feel safe. Greg’s wisdom and his practical insights helped me immeasurably to find the inner grounding that I needed. I highly recommend what Greg has to offer, as his heart, intelligence and dedication to serving others is so tangible.

Greg Lawrence is a true healer. I found him when I was navigating a spiritual emergence that made absolutely no sense to me. I was bombarded with what seemed to be past life memories, current and past life traumas, and altered states of consciousness that terrified me. When I contacted Greg, I was scared and confused. Greg did far more than just assist me in my spiritual journey, he helped heal wounds that I didn’t know that I had. He has always been available in the ways that I need him with sage advice, kind and gentle healing modalities, and a deep understanding of what it means to struggle with difficult spiritual experiences, either induced via meditation, spiritual practices, or psychedelics. Thank you, Greg, for staying with me on this long and strange journey and guiding me through the dark places into my light.

Last year I was searching for a place to meet like-minded individuals and stumbled on the psychedelic integration circles in Santa Monica. I wanted to work with someone one-on-one to help integrate some very intense psychedelic experiences and someone recommended Greg. During the first month of working with him some stuff came up that I hadn’t dealt with my whole life. I initially walked into Greg’s sessions being resistant to change and with unclear intentions, but after working with him to process my experiences I can say I now have a real sense of acceptance for myself and I’ve started moving forward. Greg has been a great support in my transformational process.

I have had the good fortune to work with Greg in my healing journey. He is very professional, safe, easy to connect with and nonjudgmental. Greg was able to clear a lot of junk in order for me to gain deeper healing and understanding of what was holding me back. I appreciate so much the guidance he has given me, and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a true light worker. Greg is a great friend, healer, and teacher!

I came to Greg in the middle of a spiritual crisis, a time of great change in my life. But I was also brimming with curiosity about where my life was going. With an easy and compassionate manner, Greg listened and offered advice and I can’t say enough about how valuable it was to me. Our connection proved pivotal in my spiritual growth.

It is my relationship with Greg Lawrence that has made my personal psychedelic experiences so powerful. His guidance both before and after a journey is enlightened, inspired, and yet pragmatic. I can truly say that it is because of Greg and his integration sessions that I have been able to apply these psychedelic explorations to the physical world in a way that has and will continue to enhance my life forever.

I have always had anxiety but a year ago it got really bad. I am married with kids and had a successful career but something wasn’t right. I had used psychedelics when I was younger but stopped when I settled down and stopped partying but now I read about how people were treating depression or anxiety with things like mushrooms and ayahuasca. I started doing research but got scared when I read stories about people having bad trips or being traumatized. I didn’t want to take a chance on making things worse so I just forgot it. Then one day I found out someone I work with went to an ayahuasca ceremony and it really helped her with her depression. I started doing research again and found Greg online and arranged a session. What a relief! The first thing he said is that psychedelics are not for everyone and that he couldn’t recommend anyone to do psychedelics but I told him I was going to so he explained about set and setting and having a sitter and lot of other things about being safe. About a month later I did mushrooms with a sitter. A few times when I got scared I remembered the advice Greg gave me and I felt better. I had an amazing experience and my anxiety is much better now. Thank you Greg!

Embodying an absolute aura of calm and professionalism Greg counseled me on how to get the most from a psychedelic journey I was planning. Following his advice I was able to navigate to a higher level of self awareness. His thorough and compassionate approach in the integration process afterward allowed me to glean insights from my experience that I would never have realized on my own, and to then integrate those insights into my everyday life. Thank you Greg for your expert guidance, and for providing the necessary support to ensure that I had a safe, healthy and life changing experience.

I’ve never had issues with depression or anxiety, but after the death of my mother and a few other traumatizing events I fell into a deep funk that pervaded all aspects of my life.  Worse, as a professional writer, it started to affect my creativity.  I tried various forms for therapy to no avail, then read an article about the profound effects of psychedelics. I arranged for a sitter but read that I should also have someone with whom to do integration. Fortunately found Greg, and I can honestly say that he is a true healer in every sense of the word.

Greg is incredibly compassionate, insightful and knowledgeable on many fronts.  Our download talks before the actual session were deep and insightful and cut to the core of what my issues were. The session itself was profound and cathartic, due in large to Greg’s advice on how to go deep and what to do if things got difficult (they did but thanks to his counseling I was not afraid to let go). After, he really helped me to contextualize and make sense of my journey—in a way that resonated on many fronts.  I can honestly say that it was a huge turning point in my life and growth as a person.  I cannot thank him enough—and have recommended him to many friends!

I first came to the psychedelic integration community about a year ago. I knew I had a lot of unresolved emotional trauma, and was interested in learning more about the healing potential of psychedelic medicines. At first, I had a lot of anxiety about how to approach this new unknown world. But Greg was compassionate and supportive right from the beginning. He is not only extremely knowledgeable about psychedelic medicines and how they work, but approaches their use from a very wise and balanced perspective. He also understands how important it is to work to integrate psychedelic experiences, and has a deep knowing of the kind of challenging emotions that come up and how to deal with them. Through integration coaching with Greg, I have grown significantly, and my life is transforming. I feel not only more energetic and confident, but a profound sense of awakening to my true self, the value of which I can’t describe in words.

I first met Greg at an integration circle at his home; I had no idea what to expect, but Greg took no time putting me at ease with his candor and peaceful nature. I’d only had one or two entheogenic experiences at that point and was rather thrilled to have found such a warm and welcoming place to share and learn from others on the same path. That warmth and welcome was clearly thanks to Greg’s easy and nonjudgmental way of holding space for the group.

Several months later I happened to have a challenging and confusing experience. I knew I needed integration, but was truly skeptical that I or anyone else would be able to interpret the journey I’d just had. When I was ready, I knew exactly who to call; I reached out to Greg for coaching and he was prompt and ready to schedule, knowing that I was enduring a challenging time. During our call he listened to my story and, to my pleasant surprise, was lucid and clear in helping interpret the experience, sifting out kernels of wisdom from an otherwise deeply confusing journey. After our time I couldn’t believe the clarity he helped me achieve, as well as the knowledge of how to move forward by integrating that clarity into my life and emotional wellness. I couldn’t be more grateful to have met Greg at this point in my journey; he is truly a gifted, wholehearted teacher, and I look forward to tapping his wisdom and generosity of spirit as I continue on this spiritual path. I strongly, thoroughly recommend his services!

I found Greg online when I was looking for an integration expert after a really tough mushroom trip. He agreed to have a short phone conversation with me and he seemed to be very knowledgeable so I committed to three integration counseling sessions with him. In the first session we talked about what was going on in my life, my intentions going into the journey and what my setting was like then I shared the details of the experience itself. I was amazed at the way he helped me connect the dots between the things I experienced and the problems I was having in my life. At one point he asked me what I thought I needed to do to integrate the experience everything just clicked and suddenly made sense. Greg’s guidance and advice in those sessions helped me see things more clearly and also helped me make some changes I’ve needed for a long time. Working with Greg led to a real turning point in my life.

Greg is the real deal. I attended one of his psychedelic integration circles and I was immediately impressed with his energy and presence. I stayed after the meeting was over to talk with him and shared with him how I was feeling stuck in my career and personal life. I’ve worked with coaches in the past and made a little progress but I always felt like they were satisfied with whatever I was doing. When Greg told me that I would be challenged if I worked with him I agreed to take him on as a coach. It’s one of the best decisions I ever made. True to his word Greg pushed me and in a few sessions the negative thoughts that have always been in the background for me quieted down and I found myself feeling more motivated and just happier in general. Thank you Greg. I look forward to things getting even better.

Whatever doubts or uncertainties I carried with me to our initial session, Greg Lawrence made skillful work of listening and asking questions. Greg helped to inform and provoke the creative thinking I was already doing, and he helped me prepare myself for welcome changes. Several weeks after our first meeting I am still more impressed with Greg’s insightful remarks and active listening, his solid intention and focus on positivity. I am extremely pleased with the decision to work on myself with Greg.

I’ve never used any kind of psychedelics but after hearing Greg on a podcast I wanted to find out f he might be able to help me get my life back on track after years of feeling stuck. After a phone conversation I knew I wanted to work with Greg and after four months I can honestly say I feel as good as I ever have. I don’t have words to express the gratitude I have for the work we have done together. Thank you Greg.