Why Is Psychedelic Integration Needed?

In the aftermath of a psychedelic experience your mind is fertile ground for real change. Because of the increased levels of neuroplasticity that most entheogens promote, your brain is basically waiting for you to show it what your new life looks like. Are things going to change or stay the same? The answer to that question depends entirely on the actions you take (or don’t take) in the hours, days and weeks following your journey.

If you are not integrating – either yourself or with a coach or therapist – then you are basically having a one-time experience that lasts a matter of hours.

There’s nothing wrong with that if that’s all you want. But if you believe that psychedelics can help you evolve personally and/or spiritually then you need to dive into your experience and figure out what it was trying to teach you. And psychedelics can teach you many things, including how to be the best version of yourself, but their mode of communication can be somewhat indirect. While “Aha!” moments, periods of extreme clarity, peak experiences and profound spiritual or mystical communion are not uncommon, the messages you get during these encounters may also consist of various symbols, metaphors, archetypes, stories and unfamiliar or uncomfortable sensations and emotions, so the underlying lesson(s) may initially elude you.

Psychedelics, even when they don’t appear to be communicating very clearly, are imparting valuable information – information that can help you on your journey of personal and spiritual development. Coming to an understanding of what you saw, heard and felt, discovering what it means to you personally and what you can do to incorporate it into your life is what psychedelic integration coaching is all about.

“Embodying an absolute aura of calm and professionalism Greg counseled me on how to get the most from a psychedelic journey I was planning. Following his advice I was able to navigate to a higher level of self awareness. His thorough and compassionate approach in the integration process afterward allowed me to glean insights from my experience that I would never have realized on my own, and to then integrate those insights into my everyday life. Thank you Greg for your expert guidance, and for providing the necessary support to ensure that I had a safe, healthy and life changing experience.”

Who Benefits From Psychedelic Integration Coaching?

Integration has proven to be helpful to people who:

  • Feel anxious, isolated, depressed or uneasy after an experience
  • Are unsure of the meaning of what they saw, heard or felt
  • Have trouble dealing with or are not sure what to do about frightening images or sensations
  • Feel “stuck”: unsure of what their lesson was, or how it relates to their life
  • Feel they have “Hit a wall” after multiple journeys and can’t seem to go any further
  • Just want to deepen their understanding of their experience(s)
  • Are new to psychedelics and have questions about different substances, their effects, and what to expect when working with them (see below).

Integration Really Begins Before Your Journey

Many people think psychedelic integration is something that’s only needed after someone uses an entheogen. But your ability to effectively absorb, analyze and become fully immersed in any psychedelic experience is directly affected by your preparation, or lack thereof. Being properly prepared gives you the opportunity to be as present as possible during the actual experience. Regardless of how long you have been working with psychedelics (or how many times you have), there are tools and techniques that will help you to get the most out of other states of consciousness. I regularly work with people to help them develop:

  • Intentions
  • Navigation skills to help them stay grounded during journeys
  • Strategies for dealing with negative, frightening or unexpected situations
  • Exercises designed to help them realize their intention(s), and to deal with any specific issues they may be working on.

I also work with people who are “curious” and doing research into psychedelics and other states of consciousness. I cannot advise you on how or where to obtain illegal substances, but in the interest of education and harm reduction I can share from my own knowledge, experience and research, and do my best to answer any questions you may have.

I am not a therapist, and our sessions should not be considered a substitute for psychotherapy. I cannot provide medical or psychological evaluation or diagnosis. I do not encourage or condone illegal activity, so I cannot provide you with any illegal substances, give you advice on how to obtain them, or refer you to anyone who can. If someone chooses to work with psychedelics I can offer assistance in the form of preparation, education, harm reduction advice and integration coaching.

“Through integration coaching with Greg, I have grown significantly, and my life is transforming. I feel not only more energetic and confident, but a profound sense of awakening to my true self, the value of which I can’t describe in words.”