Out Of My Scars, I Help Others Heal

Pathway to freedom

Are you feeling “stuck” or “blocked” and are unsure what to do?

Do you lack confidence?

Are you a coach, therapist or healer and feel you could be more effective?

Do you suffer from anxiety, spend too much time worrying, or feel overly concerned with what other people think of you?

Do you read books, attend workshops or seminars and feel very motivated afterward but somehow never manage to put the concepts and ideas you learned into practice? These are all common issues that I’ve helped clients work through.

As a Psychedelic Integration Coach I assist people in transforming powerful experiences into something they can use in their everyday lives. Through this process I have learned that small, incremental shifts in your life can lead to profound changes, and making these shifts is not difficult when you have the right guidance. Working together we’ll pinpoint areas in which minor changes can produce dramatic results, and at the end of our first session you will have concrete tools and techniques that will help you start making the changes you want in your life, right away. I do not offer cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all programs, I tailor our work based on your unique challenges, goals, wants and needs. Transformation is within your reach, right now. You can change yourself into the person you want to be. You can live the life you’ve always wanted. I’ve done it and I can help you o your own unique path.

Why Is It So Hard To Change?

The simple answer is, you have been programmed – don’t worry, we all have, that’s just a consequence of growing up as a human. The thoughts, habits, patterns and beliefs that you carry were formed as a response to things that happened in your past, and now they influence your view of yourself and the world around you. The good news is that we can use the same processes that cemented this programming in place to reprogram you, to establish healthier thoughts and habits, and correct the self-limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Self Awareness Is a Gateway to Spiritual Freedom

In reality the goal of our work together will not be to change you, but rather to unchange you. We’ll look at the biases and filters that cause you to react instead of responding. We can then employ proven exercises and techniques that help you move from reacting to responding. I work with you to change your perception of the world around you. Change your perception and you change your reality.

Personal development is an essential component of spiritual growth, and both require a high level of self awareness. Freeing yourself from the limitations of your conditioning, you peel away the layers that have concealed the real you; your authentic self. Imagine living with less worry, anxiety, anger and disappointment. It takes a willingness to put in the work required, but it is possible.

“When Greg told me that I would be challenged if I worked with him I agreed to take him on as a coach. It’s one of the best decisions I ever made. True to his word Greg pushed me and in a few sessions the negative thoughts that have always been in the background for me quieted down and I found myself feeling more motivated and just happier in general.”