Psychedelic Integration Specialist

What Is Psychedelic Integration?

PsychedelicThe psychedelic experience can be life changing, but psychedelics alone won’t necessarily change you or your life. That takes some work on your part, and psychedelic integration is that work. It’s the process of examining the insights, realizations, sights and sounds that were part of your journey, digging into this material where necessary to find the lessons, and then acting on them.

The majority of the benefits gained from psychedelic journeys occur after the initial effects have worn off. In the afterglow of this amazing experience, it may seem as though anything is possible and that lasting change is inevitable. This is certainly a possibility, because psychedelics such as Psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”), Ayahuasca, DMT, Iboga, Ibogaine, MDMA and LSD promote neuroplasticity in the brain, providing fertile ground for new, healthier habits, thought patterns and attitudes.

So the days and weeks following a psychedelic journey are critical, and psychedelic integration coaching provides a safe, structured, nonjudgmental environment in which the sense of wonder and excitement you may have experienced can be kept alive; where you can take the possibilities that were revealed to you during a psychedelic journey and begin to actualize them.

If you have taken psychedelics and are frustrated because things aren’t changing the way you expected they might, integration is the missing piece of the puzzle.

Who Benefits From Psychedelic Integration Coaching?

The people I work with generally fall into one or more of a few categories, and these tend to be people who are:

  • New to psychedelics and are looking for reliable answer about effects, safety precautions, preparation and integration.
  • In distress after a psychedelic experience: Anxious, irritable, confused, depressed or frightened.
  • Confused about an experience, the meaning of things they saw or heard, what it was trying to teach them, and what to do next.
  • Just looking to deepen their understanding of the lessons of one or more journeys.
  • Stuck at a certain level and/or wanting to go deeper in their entheogenic work.
  • Interested in techniques that may help them address blocks or deal with childhood and past traumas.

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What Happens In Integration Coaching Sessions?

If you are in a state of unease the first thing we’ll do is help get you grounded and centered again. We’ll work together to uncover the reason you are feeling the way you are, and there is a reason. If you feel unbalanced just know that you have some work to do, but you’re going to be okay.

Should you be unsure about what the lesson was in your journey (and there is always a lesson) I work with you to illuminate, clarify and deepen your understanding of the insights you gleaned during your journey into the realm of expanded consciousness. A particular image, sound or sensation might mean one thing to you and something completely different to someone else, so there’s really no direct translation that can be applied – when it comes to psychedelics there is no Rosetta Stone. The challenge lies in figuring out what these things mean to you, and how they apply to your life. Psychedelic integration provides context to the content of your experience.

If you’re looking to go deeper in your work we can talk about techniques that can assist you in “reprogramming” yourself in order to heal trauma, develop more healthy habits and thought patterns and change your relationship with troubling thoughts or memories. These are tools that I use in my coaching practice, and their effectiveness can be greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with psychedelics.

For those planning their first encounter with a psychedelic we learn about strategies for staying grounded and navigating the psychedelic landscape. We’ll talk about what to do if you encounter something unexpected or upsetting. And if you are just doing research we can discuss generalities about the psychedelic state or other altered states, the effects of various substances and how they may differ from one another, as well as any potential health risks or contraindications. We’ll also go over the importance of preparation and integration, and how to make the most of any psychedelic journey.

Integration Helps You Leverage the Power of Entheogens for Personal and Spiritual Growth.

Iboga presentationI’m Greg Lawrence. As a Psychedelic Integration Coach I work with people to help them maximize the benefits they receive from the psychedelic experience. I want you to make the most of other states of consciousness before, during and after the experience. Psychedelic integration coaching is designed to help you do just that.

If you’d like to know what it’s like to work with me you might want to read some of my client testimonials. If you have questions, or if you’d like to book a consultation you can contact me here or send an email to

“It is my relationship with Greg Lawrence that has made my personal psychedelic experiences so powerful. His guidance both before and after a journey is enlightened, inspired, and yet pragmatic. I can truly say that it is because of Greg and his integration sessions that I have been able to apply these psychedelic explorations to the physical world in a way that has and will continue to enhance my life forever.”

For more on psychedelic integration coaching click here.

To read client testimonials click here.